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Here are some pictures of Noah's "Prized Possesions." We hope you will like them as much as we do. This is just a few tanks that Noah maintains.

"Prize Possesion"


This tank is a 125 Gallon marine only tank. It has a 3ft. long Zebra Eel, 3 Clownfish, and a Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse. It is filtered with a Fluval 403 with two 1140 Pennguin Powerheads attached to a undergravel filter. This tank is currently under a up grade to a marine/reef tank. This is one of Noah's regular customers.

"The Filtration system"


The 403 Fluval Multi-Stage filter is a favorite of ours because of its versatility and efficient design. Seperates a number of distinct filter materials into easy access baskets. Filtering materials provide waste free water, strong biological purification, and active control of water characteristics. Features Aqua-Stop valves make maintenance a breeze by shutting off water flow while hosing remains intact. We vote this filter #1 for its ease of use.



When it comes to close-ups Erwin is the King. He is an outstanding 3 ft. long. He has been in the family for 5 years. His favorite food to eat is shrimp. Although eels have poor eye sight; they have a keen sence of smell. He spends most of his time during the day sleeping, curled up under a rock but when the lights go off he becomes active. If Erwin could talk he would ask for Noah's Ark.

This is a 150 gallon aquarium set up in a wall with flouresent lighting and a wet dry filter with a Red Sea protien skimmer. This is by far my favorite of all my tanks that I keep. It has so much divers equipment that only pictures can tell. I hope you will enjoy these pictures as much as I do posting them.